Wednesday, August 4, 2010


SIGNIFICANT DIGITS (also known as scientific figures)

Significant digits are connected to rounding. We use this so that we know what the significant digits are. What really are the important digits in a group of numbers. Here you will also findout when the zeros will be considered significant and not how it will happen. 

1. ALL none zero numbers are ALWAYS significant.
ex. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

2. ALL zeros between non-zero numbers are ALWAYS significant.
ex. 5160003487347000006

3. ALL zeros before the 1st non-zero digit are non significant.
ex. 0.00463

4. ALL zeros after the last non-zero digit MAY OR MAY NOT BE significant.
ex. 341.20 and 100

5. ALL zeros at the right of the decimal point and at the end of the number are always significant
ex. 0000000000000000000.98045 and 0.00000000000000000000

6. ALL zeros which are to the left of a written decimal point and are in number greater than or equal to 10 are ALWAYS significant.
ex. 10.0

EXERCISES!!!: (on a 1/8 sheet of paper, state on every blank how many significant digits there are in each number) 

__________ 1) 45,000,000,000,000
__________ 2)100,708,300.000 
__________ 3)000002.048000000000
__________ 4)9.00
__________ 5)23,000,000,000.000000

So now we will move on and we will tell you about

Scientific Notation simply makes answers shorter and faster to write. There will be less numbers.  

A number is in Scientific Notation if it has been expressed in the form: a x 10 raised to the power b where 1 < = a > 10 and b is an integer. The following table presents examples and how they may be expressed in scientific notation. 

     Numbers                                           Scientific Notation     
                   123                                          1.23 x 10 raised to the power of 2
                         0.0234                                     2.34 x 10 raised to the power of -2    
                       1230000                                  1.23 x 10 raised to the power of 6     
                   0.000321                                  3.21 x 10 raised to the power of -4

Here for example you have 123 and you have to transform it into scientific notation. You have to get the first significant digit which is 1 and move the decimal 2 places to the left so you can come up with the answer that you can see in the table above. 10 is always the base. The sign of the exponent depends on where you are moving the decimal point. If you are moving the decimal to the right then it becomes negative. To the left it becomes positive.

EXERCISES!!!! ( Try solving these on a 1/4 sheet of paper)

_______________ 1) 300
_______________ 2) 4,000
_______________ 3) 5,720,000,000
_______________ 4) 0.0000000006
_______________ 5) 703,421,000,000,000.000
_______________ 6) 000.000000000000858
_______________ 7) 000.000708
_______________ 8) 143,000,000.000


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