Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Group 1(MonoBlocks Group)

Your World, Your Tomorrow

CHEMISTRY: Aspects of Matter

                Chemistry or also known as “The Central Science” is the study of Matter and the changes it undergoes.

                 Matter is anything made of atoms and molecules and is anything that has Mass, a property that reflects the quantity of Matter in a sample.

States of Matter

                The molecules are closely bound to one another by molecular forces. The particles are packed closely together. It has a stable, definite shape, and a definite volume. It can only change their shape by force, as when broken or cut.

                The molecular forces are weaker than in a Solid. It will take the shape of its container with a free surface in a gravitational field. It has a fixed volume. It also occupies a shape or volume nut assumes the shape of the occupied portion of its container.

                                          The molecular forces are very weak and it has no definite shape or volume, but occupies the entire container in which it is confined. It expands to fill completely whatever container it occupies. 




History of Chemistry

I. Discovery
        2500 years ago, were perhaps the first to formulate rational theories of chemistry-explanations of the behavior of the matter     they generally did not test their theories by experimentation.
        The experimental roots of chemistry are planted in alchemy, a mystical mixture of chemistry and magic that flourished in Europe during the Middle Ages from about 500 to 1500 CE
 Modern day chemists inherited from the alchemists an abiding interest in human health and quality of life.  

II. The Four Elements
            The Greek philosopher Empedocles, a native of Sicily, introduces a theory which will be accepted in Europe until the 17th century. He states that all matter is made up, in differing proportions, of four elemental substances - earth, air, fire and water. Not until the arrival of a 'skeptical chemist' (the title of a book by Robert Boyle in 1661) is there a serious threat to this Greek theory of the elements.


§        Structure
-  arrangement of atoms in a molecule

§        Composition
-  what a molecule is made of

§        Properties
          -  unique characteristics of an object
              ex: H2O - clear
           -  boils at 100 degrees Celsius
           -  freezes at 0 degree Celsius

§        Changes
-  to alter

§        Principles and laws
-   logical explanation of events that occur in nature supported by results
    of repeated experiments
      ex: Law of conservation of mass

§        Application
          -    process of testing the data
          -    identification of use
                ex: Penialin: fighting bacteria


   Organic Chemistry
           -   carbon containing compounds
           -   H, N, O, P, S
                ex: Ethyl Alcohol  CH- CH2 - O - H
           -   study of compounds produced by living organism
    Inorganic Chemistry
           -   deals with elements or compounds other than carbon
                ex: NaCl - table salt
                    H2O - water
                    NH3 - anomia

    Physical Chemistry
    -   math / physics
    -   theories / behavior
    -   why? / how?
       ex: How fast will the reaction occur?

    Analytical Chemistry
    -   identifies what substance is present
    -   how much is there
   a.) Qualitative                                                   b.) Quantitative
      - what?                                                              - how much?
      - descriptive                                                      - numerical
  -   chemistry of living organisms
  -   processes in the body
       ex: Digestion, Excretion , Metabolism , Amino Acids(glycine)

1.)Give at least 5 examples of matter.
2.)Differentiate element from a compound.
3.)Give 5 examples of heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures.
4.)What branch of chemistry deals with elements or compounds other than carbon?
5.)What branch of chemistry identifies what substance is present?
6.)Is Air an example of homogeneous mixture?
7.)What do you call the change in the phase of gas to liquid?
8.)What do you call the change in the phase of liquid to solid?
9.)What are the two types of Pure Substance?
10.)What is the state of matter wherein particles are closely together?

4.)Inorganic Chemistry
5.)Analytical Chemistry
6.)Air is a homogenous mixture because you can't distinguish between the substances.
9.)Element and Compound

Dianne Ang
Androse Ansaldo
Micah Antonio
Oya Bautista
Angela Cansana

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