Periods, Groups, Families,
& Valence Electron
1 H | 2 He | ||||||||||||||||
3 Li | 4 Be | 5 B | 6 C | 7 N | 8 O | 9 F | 10 Ne | ||||||||||
11 Na | 12 Mg | 13 Al | 14 Si | 15 P | 16 S | 17 Cl | 18 Ar | ||||||||||
19 K | 20 Ca | 21 Sc | 22 Ti | 23 V | 24 Cr | 25 Mn | 26 Fe | 27 Co | 28 Ni | 29 Cu | 30 Zn | 31 Ga | 32 Ge | 33 As | 34 Se | 35 Br | 36 Kr |
37 Rb | 38 Sr | 39 Y | 40 Zr | 41 Nb | 42 Mo | 43 Tc | 44 Ru | 45 Rh | 46 Pd | 47 Ag | 48 Cd | 49 In | 50 Sn | 51 Sb | 52 Te | 53 I | 54 Xe |
55 Cs | 56 Ba | * | 72 Hf | 73 Ta | 74 W | 75 Re | 76 Os | 77 Ir | 78 Pt | 79 Au | 80 Hg | 81 Tl | 82 Pb | 83 Bi | 84 Po | 85 At | 86 Rn |
87 Fr | 88 Ra | ** | 104 Rf | 105 Db | 106 Sg | 107 Bh | 108 Hs | 109 Mt | 110 Ds | 111 Rg | 112 Cn | 113 Uut | 114 Uuq | 115 Uup | 116 Uuh | 117 Uus | 118 Uuo |
57 La | 58 Ce | 59 Pr | 60 Nd | 61 Pm | 62 Sm | 63 Eu | 64 Gd | 65 Tb | 66 Dy | 67 Ho | 68 Er | 69 Tm | 70 Yb | 71 Lu |
89 Ac | 90 Th | 91 Pa | 92 U | 93 Np | 94 Pu | 95 Am | 96 Cm | 97 Bk | 98 Cf | 99 Es | 100 Fm | 101 Md | 102 No | 103 Lr |
Alkali Metal | Alkaline Earth | Basic Metal |
Halogen | Noble Gas | Non Metal |
Rare Earth | Semi-Metal | Transition Metal |
The elements in rows are called as periods. A sequence of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number and forming one of the horizontal rows in the periodic table. The period number of an element signifies the highest unexcited energy level for an electron in that element. The number of elements in a period increases as you move down the periodic table because there are more sublevels per level as the energy level of the atom increases. It ranges from period 1 until period 7.
Note: All of the elements in a period have the same number of atomic orbitals.
In chemistry, it is considered to be a set of chemical elements in the same vertical column of the periodic table. The elements in a group have similarities in the electronic configuration of their atoms, and thus they exhibit somewhat related physical and chemical properties. They are composed of group IA, IIA, IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB, VIIB, VIIIB, VIIIB, VIIIB, IB, IIB, IIIA, IVA, VA, VIA, VIIA, VIIIA.
Note: The group number of an element is equal to its valence electron.
Families are groups of elements with similar chemical properties. In the periodic table of elements, a family is a vertical column which is alike as the groups. Each group has a corresponding family:
- Group IA - Alkali Metals
- Group IIA - Alkaline Earth Metals
- Group IIIB - Early Transition Metals
- Group IVB - Early Transition Metals
- Group VB - Early Transition Metals
- Group VIB - Early Transition Metals
- Group VIIB - Early Transition Metals
- Group VIIIB- Late Transition Metals
- Group IB - Late Transition Metals
- Group IIB - Late Transition Metals
- Group IIIA - Boron
- Group IVA - Carbon
- Group VA- Nitrogen
- Group VIA - Oxygen
- Group VIIA- Halogens
- Group VIIIA - Noble Gases
Valence Electron
The valence electrons are the electrons in the last shell or energy level of an atom. They do show a repeating or periodic pattern. The valence electrons increase in number as you go across a period. Then when you start the new period, the number drops back down to one and starts increasing again.
Note: Number of Valence electrons = Group Number
1. There are __ periods in the Periodic Table of Elements
2. Elements in a period are arranged from left to right by increasing ______ ______.
3. The elements Tantalum and Osmium can be found on which period?
4. Vanadium and Calcium are on the same period. True or False?
5. Give 3 elements that can be found on the 6th period.
1. There are __ groups in the Periodic Table of Elements
2. Groups are horizontal rows of elements on the Periodic Table. True or False?
3. The elements Aluminum and Indium can be found on the __th group.
4. Oxygen and Polonium can be found on the same group. True or False?
5. The group number of an element is equal to its _______ ________.
1. A family is a _____ of elements with the same chemical properties.
2. What is the family name of Group IVA?
3. Lithium and Strontium are located on the same family. True or False?
4. Give 3 elements from the Chalcogens family.
5. How many elements can be found in the Alkali Metals family?
1 - 5. Give the valence of an element that has an atomic number of 3, 20, 31, 17 & 8.
1-5. Give the Period, Group, Family, & Valence of an element that has an atomic number of 19, 33, 5, 12, and 36 without look at the periodic table.
- Encarnacion, Carol
- Evangelista, Kaira
- Fernandez, Gaby
- Isaac, Bianca
- Jayco, Christelle
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