Tuesday, December 28, 2010


A mole is defined as the number or quantity of a certain substance that has the same measurement of particles as are found in a 12 gram carbon gaining a -12. It follows the number 6.02x1023 or also known as Avogadro’s number. This states that one mole of a certain element or compound contains 6.02x1023 molecules of the given compound. 

Calculating the Moles of a compound

(1) Ca - 40.08 – 40.08             In the compound CaCO3, there are 3 different
(1) C - 12.01 – 12.01               elements namely, Calcium (Ca), Carbon (C), 
(3) O - 16. 00 – 48.00              and Oxygen (O). There are 3 O, 1 C, & 1 Ca. 
                          -------              By getting the mass of each element, we 
                      100.09 u             can calculate their mass in Moles. 1 Ca 
                        CaCO3                weighs 40. 08, 1 C weighs 12.01, & 3 O's 
                                                                 weigh 48.00,having 100.09 u or mol CaCO3

100. 09 g/mol CaCO3

Mole to Mass, Mass to Mole

If you want to change the measurement of a certain compound to mole to mass, just change u or mol to g/mol and vise versa for mass to mole.

     Calculate the moles of the following compounds and express your final answer with the unit g/mol (unit for mass):

          1. Bi2O3
          2. FeSO4
          3. Ca (CH3COO)2
          4. (NH4)2Cr2O7
          5. AgNO3
          6. Mg (ClO)2
          7. Zn (IO4)2
          8. CH3 (CH2)3 COF
          9. CaSO4
          10. CuCl2

Group 7

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