Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Accuracy and Sensitivity of Measuring Devices


What is Accuracy and Precision?

Accuracy is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to its actual (true) value
Precision: also called reproducibility or repeatability, is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results.

Did You Know?..

  • That a  measurement system can be accurate but not precise, precise but not accurate, neither, or both.

How to compute for the Percentage Error?

Percentage Error= (estimated amount - actual amount) / actual amount * 100 

  1. In the candy store you estimated that you bough and placed 90 pieces of candy in a jar but there were actually 130 your jar.  Compute for the percentage error.

    % Error = (90-130)/130 * 100
    = -40/130 * 100
    = -0.308*100 = -30.8% 
  2. In the pet store you estimated that there are 7 fishes in an aquarium, but the store owner told you that there were actually 23. Compute for the percentage error.

    % Error = (7-23)/23 * 100
    = -16/23 * 100
    = -0.696 * 100
          = -69.9 %

  3. In the classroom, you estimated that there were 27 ballpens that were found but when but then there were only 19 ballpens that were found. Find the percentage error.

    % Error = (27-19)/19 * 100
    =6/19 * 100
    = 0.316 * 100
    = 31.6 %  


Mikaela Monsalud
Bianca Pagkalinawan
Mikhaela Ponce
Coleen Pacunayen
Mikee Mendoza 

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